27 April, 2007

Kill Me (If you Can!!!)

I am going through the woods. I have to reach my friends palace by the afternoon. Sorry I forgot to add what is the palace. The kings are the long lost stories. But the buildings and the stories built around them are still alive... So one of my friend, Hari is having such a forefather and a forepalace. Its really big... that big that the people who built were afraid to construct the steps and forgot to build the steps...

So, I need to go to this placed palace, I am going. Suddenly there was an explosion. I am speaking in the mobile so I could not concentrate what and where is this explosion, but could identify the falling grey dust as the remain. I am speaking in the mobile, and suddenly there is this tractor coming on an uneven note, going here and there. I stopped dead and what can I say.... there is a cute gal sitting on the edge of a would be building (that is the edge of a building being built which is @ its piller stage). I then identified that the tractor is driver less, but as if some one controlled that it is steadily going towards her... I am shouting her name, and suddenly she saw me, as I am well know around due to the palaced friend, she came out from the place where she sat to ask me what. The tractor hit the exact spot where she is sitting moments ago, and fell into the basement of the building and exploded, we see this in awe, and I started again...

There are small villages called as Gudems, around the palace from that time and they are now increased in size and popultaion. I have to cross one of such Gudem to enter my friends palace. I am going through it... There Doggy, Stupid Doggy, Bad Doggy... I fear dogs, basically. All over the place there are strays. I am going past them with out making them knowledge my presence. I thought I was successful in doing so, until one big large stray caught my jeans back pocket. It is so large that I can not outsmart it by the general means of "Shoooo, iShoooo"....

It is over powering me minute by minute... I see in its eyes a rage that I see in professionals who are at stake. I started to quarrel [!] with it. But its by strength over doing me. It caught the back of my leg and started pulling me. I tried to pull it towards a open door in the Gudem.

There is this family sitting in the open of their home, the big built son is reading some news paper and his back is facing me. One small child is playing with him from behind. One old woman, may be his mother is looking towards me. I feel desparate to get help even from her... Oh god I forgot... I DONT KNOW KANNADA... Holy ****.... What should I do now... !!! ???

I start using the sign language with the best facials possible, she from her position unable to see the big large stray thats pulling me. So she came out with out telling her son [may be]. And did the biggest mistake of her life.

As soon as she saw the large stray she is afraid even to speak... but later I knew she cannot speak. She started to hurry the god. I am trying to avoid her to do so. But she started towards the dog. The stray has its concentration on her now. It left me and went back to the street... I feel heavens blessed me... I am about to reach the old goddess standing there, the stray ran past me... and hold my goddess by throat... as I told you it is really big that she can not do anything... It is bringing out the b***d and f***h from her. I can no longer stay the scene and jumped into the action. With one hand I hold the lady and with the other pushed the stray away... But the stray is relentless and started this time on me. It tasted Blood !!!

I cannot manage to hold her and fight with that villain. So I put her down and took the nearest iron crap available and directly ditched that one into the strays heart. It teared down in to the stray and it was like stuck by lightning. But it took a hectic twist in its chest and has bitten off my side arm. I am in agony... and pulled the iron crap out and again ditched it. End of story, stray dead. But amazing, it said something "See, I will kill you by the end of tomorrow evening, I will be born again" And its dead.

So does the woman, to save my life she had her life on the bargain. I quitely left the place having nothing to do in the scene. All her son will find is two corps. I have tears in my eyes.

Scene cut. I am in front of the big palace with out steps. I went inside the familiar yet unknown building with fear lurking inside my heart. My friends are on the top floor. I reached there some how, now dont ask me how. There are my friends happy to see me. I dont know how two days went by. But one thing I observed, there are two new guyz over there. One japanese, and one Indian. There seems to be something interesting about them, the japanese always on the phone and the indian wants to be with me. Feared I told the story to my friends. Then I told them how bad I was bitten by that dog and I fear of getting Rabis. I pleaded my friends to go to a doctor. They first argued, finally Hari agreed to take me to the doctor so does the others. The japanese and Indian started something saying that they will take me to the doctor. But I strongly disagreed. With the on going events every one of us started believing there is a big group behind this. I dont understand how a dog has big gang under its belt???

So we started to the doctor, I still fear that the dog may come from any corner. Hari told me that there is security in the palace and the dog cant come through even if it is alive. The same point caught me off guard, If the dead dog can be alive why cant it pass the flimsy security? I have to believe some one and it got to be Hari. We are about to start with all the precautions, each of my friend is taking care of one. Hari, mine and one the japanese and the other indian... whats happening. Suddenly people came with so many horses doing crazy sounds. I asked Hari whats that all about, he said its a custom performed every month. Those ppl come and leave all the horses in the outside of the palace, the palace grounds and they will run like hell in the honor of their forefathers and it really amused me...

I stared at those lively ones... and the lovely ones... suddenly I was among those running hells...yelling and wanting to be alive... the horses started at me at the greatest pace I can imagine... I was running for my life... and it is my run for life...

I found a big stick and am trying to hit the horses to avoid them hitting me... they are chasing me like they are conjured by some external force... do not have an idea whats happening... finally all the horses have gone out of the grounds and I was almost in my deadliest state... Hari ran towards me screaming about my wellness and weirdness to run against those Royale horses... I was being moved to the hospital closely watched by the Japanese and the Indian... I heard some distant rumblings as soon as we are out of the royal grounds... Viola!!! The Japanese turned into the hound that has searched me all the way... and the Indian into the horse that cornered me in the grounds...

This time both of them cornered again, with their vicious looks and howls... and this time it is Hari and me are at the receiving end... even Hari has no idea of what to do and how to do...

The fan turned off... and I have been forcibly invoked from my dream... Ghosh... it WAS a dream...
Again I have to face the real challenge in life... day dreaming...
The chasing traffic and the houndy Boss!!!
This part of my life is called 'Software Engineering'
ADiOS for now...!!!

17 April, 2007

Gimme a Break...

This is what people become after having a heroic feet, eating a pizza to me.
Passing by the basket ball court and the cricket pitch, "I was sleek !" was my thought.
No time to think over silly things on the list which can not be done right over there, or even after a while, Gym, exercise top my list.
5:54, 26 more minutes to wait before my scheduled shuttle comes in, "I will play a game..."
"NO!!!", my brain roared as if its going to explode, "What are YOU saying?" My right brain asking my left one. "I thought we can play..."
"NO WAY!" Right screamed. "What you mean by that?" - right
"Just a thought to stretch musc...",
"Stop there... you say stretch, what else will you stretch? You have stretched your timings in the office, stretched the work from the one who is on marriage leave and the other on maternity leave, you stretched your boss's responsi..."
"Ok Ok, now I see, the court is not that big to stretch anything, not even this fellow's leg"- Left resigned.
Not a good day for exercise, will do it tomorrow, another comma

This is not taking me anywhere, I need a break from my life, sorry life, Oh shit LIFE... Hellllll,
from my JOB, JOB not LIFE...
Somethings happening to my left/right today... I cant decide where to go...
Its funny in life that ppl say the right brain controls the left side of your body and the left controls right, then what is right?

I need a break...

16 April, 2007

Hit Me Baby One More Time...

Boy... O' Boy...

What a day it has been...

Hell of an alarm started the day with the worst coffee ever to team it up...
A broken sink can't be a better partner rather...
Hectic traffic as always filled the Bangalore roads... and we have to swim through the clouds of dirty gas of the vehicles... Hey just another day in a Bangalore-Itian life...
And getting late to the office is on cards always... and its a pro attire to reach the hell in orderly, timely manner...
Daily work, yesterday's work and the last week's work are on my plate just to replace my hunger and the well laid breakfast outta sight.
Day started, Day Ended...
Ofcourse, the day ended, with enough escalations, enough over rules and minute appraisals on a 30000 person company is a good day, ofcourse, atleast someone is getting lucky on such a day - I thought.
Oh, I forgot to add, I generally stop my brain when I first stop the alarm. Time takes the control over my brain and body... nothing to complain cos there is no one to complain, not even me. Time flies so does the files and the machine, not computer but me!
So, atlast I thought, thought... thought for several minutes before my brain actually acted to 'think'. Then it took a while for my worthy mind to understand the grumblings of my tummy..."Oh god I am not on any diet programme, still missed the food of entire day over my silly work called job."
My legs rushed me to the nearest Cafe, my right hand as a trigger went to my back pocket and removed one of the remaining "Smiling Gandhi" notes big enough to buy me a so called meal that can fill the gap in my pocket but not my hunger. My eyes as if ordered by an unseen, unknown force stared at the menu and "One Large Pizza and a Coke" came out of my mouth as an incarnation. And the good looking, dumb head handed me the bill in a flash, and its a real flash to my eyes 99 /- Rs. + VAT. What the hell of tax is this even if you eat paying from your pocket. I never understood politics in my early studies and nor do I now. The daily paper is no where to be seen, and so does the Current Affairs. All we know the about current affairs are the latest on site offers and the pay over there. Life has lost a page from its book, and its only the starting. My thoughts flashing to the last news paper I saw thats available @ somenewspare.com, I can not remember website names, they are all bookmarked! For that sake I cant remember the name of the doc I worked last week, in fact I need not, Google Desktop is available!
"Adiraju, 5th Class, The memory Wizz"... A memory flashed...
"Pizza, Sir", Back to the basics and the presence.
I payed the bill with a big note and some coins that are the courtesy of an auto driver last night. Coke also been served. I remember watching an ad in the same Cafe "Thanda Matlab Coca Cola", this coke is Hot, just like the razing sun out side the Cafe. "Life ho to aisee"...!!! Never Mind!
I finished my large pizza in less than 3 minutes, "always meet the dead line, Adi"- my lead's voice vibrating back of my mind. Whose dead line, Mine? I thought

<----------------------------------- See Ya Next Post .-------------------------------------->